Thursday, February 28, 2019

UCLA vs Pepperdine 2-24-19 BVB

These rankings came out after this game happened so UCLA stays at #1 while Pepperdine goes from #4 up to #3

This is #5 for UCLA, Senior Zana Muno

Dear Readers~

I apologize for not putting this up on Monday. I was out of state this weekend and Monday was the day I came home so I hope you don't mind that Monday didn't have a blog. Without any other problems, let me start this blog between UCLA and Pepperdine.

February 22-24, 2019 had a lot of NCAA volleyball going on. This includes men’s indoor and women’s beach. The game I’ll be talking about in this blog will be women’s beach volleyball between UCLA and Pepperdine at the big tournament held at Queens Beach in Honolulu, Hawaii on Sunday, February 24, 2019.

On Sunday, February 24, 2019 at 3:30 pm Pacific Time, the #1 UCLA Bruins took on the #4 Pepperdine Waves in a game of beach volleyball on Queens Beach in Honolulu, Hawaii for the Outrigger Duke Kahanamoku Beach Classic that happened from February 22-24, 2019.

The #5 teams were the first game to finish. That game had Izzy Carey and Megan Muret, for UCLA, against Nikki Lyons and Katie Gain, for Pepperdine. Both sets were fairly close. Set 1 ended 21-15 with Izzy and Megan winning the set. The second set ended with the score a little closer at 21-17 with Izzy and Megan winning that set as well. That game ended with UCLA having a 1-0 lead over Pepperdine.

The #4 teams finished next. They include Mac May and Savvy Simo, from UCLA, while Maddie Dilfer and Alexis Filiprone, for Pepperdine. The first set ended close at 21-19 with Maddie and Alexis winning that set. The second set ended 21-16 in favor of Maddie and Alexis. That makes the total a tie at 1 win for each school.

The #2 teams finished next. They include Lily Justine and Sarah Sponcil, for UCLA, along with Skylar Coputo and Deahna Kraft, for Pepperdine. The first set ended 21-17 with Sarah and Lilly taking that set. The second set ended 21-15 with Sarah and Lilly winning that second set as well. The total score is now 2-1 with UCLA at a 1 game advantage over Pepperdine.

The #3 teams finished next. They include Zana Muno and Abby Van Winkle, for UCLA, against Gigi Hernandez and Jenna Tunnell, for Pepperdine. The first set ended 21-13 with Zana and Abby getting the win. The second set ended 21-11 with Zana and Abby coming out on top and making the score 3-1 with UCLA in the lead and there being only 1 game left.

The last team to go were the 1’s. They include Megan and Nicole McNamara, from UCLA, against Brook Bauer and Heidi Dyer, from Pepperdine. The first set ended 21-17 with Brook and Heidi winning. After the second set ended close at 24-22 with Nicole and Megan winning that set, a third set happened. That score was close, ending at 24-22 and in favor of Nicole and Megan. UCLA won that game 2 sets to 1 and made the final score end with UCLA winning 4 of the 5 matches the teams played.

For those that have read my previous blogs then you’ll know that a few athletes on the AVP have played for UCLA and some have played for Pepperdine.

The athlete for UCLA that I’ll be covering is Kelly Reeves. I've mentioned her before when I linked her setting tutorial with Riley and Maddison McKibbin. The video she did with them that I'll be linking down below is the vlog that Riley and Maddison did for the 2018 AVP New York Open. See the link below to watch that video: And don't forget to follow her on Instagram for Typical Tuesdays: @kellyreeves02

Kelly Reeves is on the far left joined with other AVP players like Geena Urango and Angela "Benny" Bensend

The athlete for Pepperdine that I’ll be covering is Corinne Quiggle. If you've read my blog about men's indoor volleyball of BYU @ Pepperdine, you may have heard of Corinne. She recently got a silver medal at the FIVB (Fédération Internationale de Volleyball) 2 star women's only event in Cambodia's capital city of Phnom Penh with her partner, Amanda Dowdy. Don't forget to follow them on Instagram if you want to see pictures of their adventures: @corinnequiggle and @adowdy11

This is Amanda Dowdy (Left) and Corinne Quiggle (Right) with their Silver medals from the FIVB event in Cambodia

UCLA’s next game is on Saturday, March 2, 2019 at 8 am Pacific Time at Arizona State as they travel to Tucson, Arizona for the PAC-12 South tournament happening that weekend. Pepperdine’s next game is on Saturday, March 2, 2019 at 9 am Pacific Time against California State University Bakersfield as Pepperdine hosts the Zuna Classic in Malibu, California that weekend. That concludes the UCLA vs Pepperdine beach volleyball game that happened on February 24, 2019. Stay tuned for my next blog and until next time, Miller out

~J. Miller

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