Saturday, February 2, 2019

#TBT to AVP Gold Series Championships 2019: Day 1

Dear Readers~

My latest #TBT blog post covers Day 1 of the 2018 AVP Gold Series stop #3 in Chicago, Illinois on August 31, 2018.  Chicago is the final stop on the regular season before the top teams headed out to Hawaii a few weeks later. The four teams that will be talked about for their performances on Day 1 are Taylor Crabb/Jake Gibb, Alix Klineman/April Ross, Jeremy Casebeer/Reid Priddy, and Brittany Howard/Kelly Reeves.

Crabb and Gibb played 2 games on Day 1. Game 1 was at 11:25 while the second game was at 2:40. Their 11:25 game was against Bruno Almorim and Skylar del Sol. Crabb and Gibb finished that game 21-13 and 21-18 to win the game 2 sets to none. Their second game was at 2:40 against Sean Rosenthal and Chase Buddinger. Crabb and Gibb finished that game 21-17 for the first set and an even closer second set 22-20. That means that Crabb and Gibb wont the game 2 sets to none. After winning that game Crabb and Gibb's next game will be on Day 2 at 2:30 against Jeremy Casebeer and Reid Priddy.

Klineman and Ross are the 2018 AVP MBO champions so the pressure was on to be back to back. Just like Crabb and Gibb, Klineman and Ross played 2 games. They were at 12:30 and 3:45. Game 1 at 12:30 was against Corrine Quiggle and Kim Smith. Klineman and Ross won the first set 21-19 but Quiggle and Smith got their revenge by beating them 21-19 in the second set, so a third set was needed to break the tie. The third set ended 15-12 in favor of Klineman and Ross. They won the game 2 sets to 1. Their second game at 3:45 was against Nicole Branagh and Caitlin Ledoux. Klineman and Ross won this game in back to back sets winning the first set 21-14 and the second set 21-14. After winning that game, Ross and Klineman's next game is at 3:30 on Day 2 against Brittany Howard and Kelly Reeves.

Casebeer and Priddy were another pair that played only 2 games on Day 1. They were at 12:25 and 3:40. Game 1 at 12:25 was against Mark Burik and Ian Satterfield. They won the first set 21-15 but Burik and Satterfield got their revenge by beating Caasebeer and Priddy 21-18, so  a third set was needed. The third set ended 15-8 in favor of Casebeer and Priddy. The pair leave the game wining 2 sets to 1. Game 2 was at 3:40 against Tri Bourne and Trevor Crabb, Taylor Crabb's older brother. Casebeer and Priddy dominated the game winning the first set 21-16 and the second set 21-19, winning 2 sets to none. Their next game is at 2:30 on Day 2 against Taylor Crabb and Jake Gibb.

Howard and Reeves were the only pair of these four teams that played 3 games on Day 1 instead of 2. Their games were at 10:15, 1:35, and 4:45. Game 1 at 10:15 was against Carolyn Meister and Vendy Strakova. Howard and Reeves won the game in straight sets by wining the first set 21-17 and the second set 21-14. Their second game was at 1:35 against Geena Urango and Allie Wheeler. Howard and Reeves won that game in straight sets again by getting 21-16 in the first set and 21-17 in the second. Their third, an final game, on Day 1 was against Kelly Claes and Brittany Hochevar. Howard and Reeves won that game in straight sets as well by wining 21-17 in both the first an second sets. After winning that game, Reeves and Howard's next game will be at 3:30 on Day 2 against Alix Klineman and April Ross.

That includes the results of a few teams and their Day 1 results at the 2018 AVP Gold Series stop #3 in Chicago for the championships. Stay tuned for the results of Day 2.

~J. Miller

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