Saturday, February 2, 2019

#TBT to AVP MBO 2018: Day 2

Dear Readers~

My next #TBT blog covers Day 2 of the 2018 AVP Manhattan Beach Open. Now it's time to cover the event.

On August 18, 2018 The AVP had Day 2 of the 2018 AVP Manhattan Beach Open. Day 2 results will be fore Emily Day/Betsi Flint, Casey Patterson/Stafford Slick, Alix Klineman/April Ross, Geena Urango/Allie Wheeler, Taylor Crabb/Jake Gibb, and Sean Rosenthal/Chase Budinger. If you read the previous #TBT blog about Day 1 of the event, you'll know that I talked about Laura Dykstra and Sheila Shaw. Sadly, those two were unable to make it to Day 2. Of the 6 teams that I listed half made it to the final day and half were unable to make it past Day 2.

Emily Day and Betsi Flint played 2 games on Day 2. Those games were at 1:45 and 4:30. The 1:45 game was against Alix Klineman and April Ross. Day and Flint would go on to lose both sets 11-21 and 16-21. This was also Ross and Klineman's only game on Day 2. Day and Flint's game at 4:30 was against Geena Urango and Allie Wheeler. Day and Flint would go on to redeem themselves by beating Urango and Wheeler 23-21 and 21-17. Day and Flint would go on to play Kelly Claes and Day's former teammate, Brittany Hochevar, in the semifinals at 11:30 on Day 3.

Casey Patterson and Stafford Slick played 2 games on Day 2. Their first game was at 12:40 and their second game was at 4:10. Their game at 12:40 was against the number one ranked team, Phil Dalhausser and Nick Lucena. They lost 1 set to 2. They won the first set 21-19 but Dalhausser and Lucena got their revenge by winning the second set 21-19 and winning the third set 15-12. That lose moved Patterson and Slick to the contender's bracket against Jeremy Casebeer and Reid Priddy at 4:10 that afternoon. Casebeer and Priddy would end up winning 2 sets to 1. Patterson and Slick won the first set 26-24, remember that a beach set goes first to 21 but they also use the rule where you have to be at least 2 points ahead of your opponent, so that set was close. Casebeer and Priddy redeemed themselves by winning the second set 21-17 and then the third set 15-12 and knocking Patterson and Slick out of the tournament.

With Klineman and Ross playing Emily Day and Betsi Flint on Day 2, and their only Day 2 game, I won't give the results again. What I will give is that after Klineman and Ross won they had to wait until 10:25 AM on Day 3 for their next game against Kelly Larson and Emily Stockman until they could play again. This game was the semifinals.

Geena Urango and Allie Wheeler played 3 games on Saturday. They were at 11:35, 1:55, and 4:30. Their game at 11:35 was against Allison McColloch and Kendra VanZwieten. Urango and Wheeler would go on to win the game 2 sets to 1. They lost the first set 19-21 but came back for redemption by winning the second set 21-19 and the third set 15-10. Their game at 1:55 was against Amanda Dowdy and Irene Pollock. Urango and Wheeler won that game 2 sets to none by winning the first set 21-11 and the second set 21-12. Their next game was at 4:30 against Emily Day and Betsi Flint. Because I already gave the results in the Day/Flint section, I won't be listing them again. Sadly for Urango and Wheeler, Day and Flint won as well as knocking them out of the tournament as Day and Flint move on to Day 3 and the semifinals.

Taylor Crabb and Jake Gibb played only one game on Day 2. That game was against Theo Brunner and John Hyden at 2:50, Crabb and Gibb won the first set 21-13 but lost the second set 18-21. They redeemed themselves by winning the third set 15-6 and getting to play Jeremy Casebeer and Reid Priddy in the semifinals at 8:15 on Day 3.

The final team is Sean Rosenthal and Chase Budinger. They played 2 games on Day 2. Their first game was at 8:15 and their second game was at 10:35. Their 8:15 game was against none other than Chase's own older brother, Duncan Budinger and his partner Daniel Dalanhese. Chase and Sean lost the first set 16-21 but redeemed themselves by winning the second set 21-18 and the third set 17-15. Remember that the third set only goes to 15 but since it was close, they had to use the 2 point rule i mentioned in the Patterson/Slick section. Their next game was at 10:35 against Jeremy Casebeer and Reid Priddy. If you couldn't figure out by the section on Crabb and Gibb, Casebeer and Priddy won. They beat Rosenthal and Budinger in back to back sets winning 21-11 and 21-14. That knocked Rosenthal and Budinger out of the tournament and moved Casebeer and Priddy to the semifinals playing the previously mentioned Crabb and Gibb.

That concludes Day 2 for those teams. The semifinals and finals of Day 3 will be coming out in my next #TBT blog so stay tuned to find out who wins the 2018 AVP Manhattan Beach Open.

~J. Miller

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