Friday, February 1, 2019

#TBT to AVP Hermosa 2018: Day 1

Dear Readers~

My next #TBT blog post will be over Day 1 of the 2018 AVP Hermosa Beach Open. Now it's time to cover the event.

On July 27, 2018 Day 1 of the 2018 AVP Hermosa Beach Open happened. Three teams that did a great job on Day 1 of the event were Jake Gibb with Taylor Crabb (2), Geena Urango with Caitlin Ledoux (4), and Alix Klineman with April Ross (3).

Gibb and Crabb's Day 1 contained 2 games. Game 1 was against Branden Clemens and Ben Vaught (18) while Game 2 was against Tim Bomgren and Chaim Schalk (7)
Game 1 was against Clemens and Vaught. The game lasted for a total of 46 minutes with Gibb and Crabb winning two sets to none. The first set was 21-12 while the second set was 21-19.
Game 2 was against Bomgren and Schalk. The game took a total of 51 minutes before Crabb and Gibb came out victorious winning 2 sets to none. the first set ended 21-16 while the second set ending 21-14.

Urango and Ledoux's Day 1 contained a total of two games. Game 1 was against Meghan Mannari and Taylor Nyquist (20) while Game 2 was against Allison McColloch and Kendra VanZwieten (12)
Game 1 was against Mannari and Nyquist. The game lasted a total of 37 minutes and ended with Urango and Ledoux winning two sets to none. set one ended 21-13 while set two was closer with 21-14.
Game 2 was against McColloch and VanZwieten. The game lasted a little longer with a total of 37 minutes and ended with Urango and Ledoux coming out victorious two sets to none. The first set ended 21-19 while the second set ended 21-14.

Ross and Klineman played two games for their Day 1. Their first game was against Terese Cannon and Jace Pardon (14) while the second game was against Lane Carico and Karolina Marciniak (6)
Game 1 was against Cannon and Pardon. The game lasted a total of 34 minutes. Ross and Klineman ended up winning two sets to none. The first set ended 21-18 while the second set ended 21-13.
Game 2 was against Carico and Marciniak. The game lasted for a total of 37 minutes. Ross and Klineman ended up winning two sets to none. The first set ended very close at 21-19 while the second set ended 21-11.

All 3 of these teams did well enough to move on to Day 2. Gibb and Crabb's first game of Day 2 was Billy Allen and Ryan Doherty (3). Urango and Ledoux's first game of Day 2 was Sara Hughes and Summer Ross (not related to April Ross)(1). April Ross and Alix Klineman's first game of Day 2 was Kelly Claes and Brittany Hochevar (2).

Hope you enjoyed my summary of how Day 1 went for these three teams as my latest #TBT blog.

~J. Miller

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