Tuesday, November 12, 2019

AVP Hawaii 2019: Semifinals and Finals

Dear Readers~

On September 22, 2019 the final AVP event of the 2019 season came to an end. after six matches making up the semifinals and finals, the AVP season came to an end on the shores of Waikiki Beach. The semifinals paired Alix Klineman with April Ross against Emily Day with Betsi Flint, Melissa Humana-Paredes with Sarah Pavan against Kelly Claes with Sarah Sponcil, Jeremy Casebeer with Chaim Schalk against Taylor Crabb with Jake Gibb, and Theo Brunner with John Hyden against Chase Budinger with Casey Patterson. Now it's time to cover the matches.

Up first is Klineman and Ross against Day and Flint. The first set ended at 21-16 with Day and Flint taking that set. The second set ended at 21-18 with Klineman and Ross taking that set and causing a third set to happen. That third set ended at 15-11 with Klineman and Ross taking that set and advancing to the finals.

Next was Pavan and Humana-Paredes against Claes and Sponcil. The first set ended at 21-19 with Pavan and Humana-Paredes taking that set. The second set ended at 21-17 with Pavan and Humana-Paredes taking that set and moving on to face Klineman and Ross in the finals.

Next was Crabb and Gibb against Casebeer and Schalk. The first set ended at 21-17 with Casebber and Schalk taking that set. The second set ended at 21-17 with Gibb and Crabb taking that set and causing a third set to happen. The third set ended at 17-15 with Crabb and Gibb taking that set and moving on to the finals.

The last semifinal was Brunner and Hyden against Budinger and Patterson. The first set ended at 25-23 with Brunner and Hyden taking that set. The second set ended at 21-18 with Brunner and Hyden taking that set as well and moving on to face Gibb and Crabb in the finals.

The women's final had Pavan and Humana-Paredes against Klineman and Ross. The first set ended at 21-19 with Pavan and Humana-Paredes taking that set. The second set ended at 21-17 with Pavan and Humana-Paredes taking that set as well and winning the 2019 AVP Hawaii Open.

Sarah (right) and Melissa (left) with their trophies after winning the 2019 AVP Hawaii Open. Don't forget to follow them on Instagram: @sarah_pavan and @melissahumanaparedes

The men's final had Crabb and Gibb against Brunner and Hyden. The first set ended at 21-18 with Brunner and Hyden taking that set. The second set ended at 22-20 with Crabb and Gibb taking that set and causing a third set to happen. The third set ended at 17-15 with Crabb and Gibb taking that set and winning the 2019 AVP Hawaii Open.

Jake Gibb (left) and Taylor Crabb (right) hold up their trophies after winning the stop in Hawaii. Don't forget to follow them on Instagram: @tcrabbs and @jakesgibb

That concludes all of the blogs covering the 2019 AVP season. Don't forget to check all of them out covering Huntington Beach, Austin, NYC, Seattle, Hermosa, Manhattan, and Chicago. Stay tuned for next time to see what gets covered then. Until next time, Miller out.

~J. Miller

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