Monday, October 14, 2019

AVP Chicago 2019: Teams 4 & 13

Dear Readers~

So in my last blog I covered the top teams of Chicago. They were April Ross with Alix Klineman and Casey Patterson with Chase Budinger. This blog will cover #4 on the women's side, Emily Stockman and Kelley Larsen along with #13 on the men's side, Eric Berenak and Bill Kolinske. So in the last blog I also said I would explain why the blogs on Chicago are split up like this, and I will cover that, but first let's see how these two teams did.

Up first is Kelley and Emily. Their first match was against the #20 team of Carly Wopat and Traci Callahan. The first set ended at 21-10 with Emily and Kelley taking that set. The second set ended at 21-19 with Kelley and Emily taking that set as well and knocking Carly and Traci into the contender's bracket. Their next match was against Kelly Claes and Sarah Sponcil. The first set ended at 21-18 with Kelly and Sarah taking that set. The second set ended at 21-13 with Sarah and Kelly taking that set as well and knocking Emily and Kelley into the contender's bracket. Their next match was against the #9 ranked team of Kim Hildreth and Sarah Scharmerhorn. The first set ended at 21-14 with Kelley and Emily taking that set. The second set ended at 21-10 with Kelley and Emily taking that set and knocking Sarah and Kim out of the tournament. Their next match was against the #8 team of Sarah Pavan and Melissa Humana-Paredes. The first set ended at 21-19 with Melissa nad Sarah taking that set. The second set ended at 25-23 with Sarah and Melissa taking that set as well and knocking Kelley and Emily out of the tournament. The pair left Chicago with a 7th place finish after having to miss the Manhattan Beach Open for an FIVB event.

Emily (left) and Kelley (right) working on a game plan. If you follow them on Instagram (@kelleylarsen and @estock2) you can find this picture and see what the real caption is. It's totally worth it.

Now it's time to see how the #13 ranked team of Bill and Eric did. Their first match was against the #20 team of Paul Lotman and Miles Partain. The first set eneded at 23-21 with Lotman and Partain taking that set. The second set ended at 21-18 with Kolinske and Beranek taking that set and causing a third set to happen. The third set ended at 15-13 with Lotman and Partain taking that set and knocking Beranek and Kolinske into the contender's bracket after only one match. Their next match was against the #14 ranked team of Riley and Maddison Mckibbin. The first set ended at 23-21 with Riley and Maddison taking that set. The second set ended at 21-14 with Riley and Maddison taking that set as well. After only playing two matches, Bill and Eric got knocked out of the tournament. The pair left Chicago with a 17th place, after making it all the way to the semifinals in Manhattan Beach.

Bill (left) and Eric (right) ready for Chicago. Don't forget to follow them on Instagram: @billkolinske and @ericberanek_beachvolley

Now you're still probably wondering why I have the #4 team on the women's side and the #13 team on the men's side in the same blog. For those that follow any of these four players, or the AVP, over on isntagram, you'll know the reason. The reason is because Bill and Kelley are dating and at the Chicago Open, Bill got Kelley on the sands of stadium court and he proposed to her and she said yes! That is the reason as to why the Chicago blogs are split up the way they are.

This was the big moment on stadium court. If you follow these two, or the AVP, on Instagram, you've seen this pic before. Bill is right with Kelley on the left. Don't forget to follow the pair on Instagram: @kelleylarsen and @billkolinske

That concludes the latest blog covering the 2019 AVP Chicago Open. Stay tuned for next time when I cover the semifinals and finals of the 2019 AVP Chicago Open. Until next time, Miller out.

~J. Miller

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