Monday, September 9, 2019

AVP Hermosa 2019: Semifinals/Finals

Dear Readers~

If you read my previous blogs talking about the men's and women's brackets of the 2019 AVP Hermosa Beach Open, then you'll know of a few teams that played in the semifinals. The women's semifinals had #1 ranked Emily Day and Betsi Flint against #24 Zana Muno and Chrissy Jones while the other women's semifinal had #18 ranked Sheila Shaw and Kenzie Ponnet against #21 ranked Kathryn Hogan and Megan Rice. The men's two semifinals had #8 ranked David Lee and Sean Rosenthal taking on #10 ranked Ryan Doherty and Miles Evans while the other men's semifinal had #3 Casey Patterson and Chase Budinger taking on #5 ranked Ed Ratledge and Rafu Rodriguez.

The first women's semifinal was #1 against #24. The first set ended at 21-14 with Day and Flint taking that set. The second set ended at 21-19 with Day and Flint taking that set as well and advancing to the finals.

The second women's semifinal was #21 against #18. The first set ended at 21-16 with Hogan and Rice taking that set. The second set ended at 21-18 with Shaw and Ponnet taking that set and causing third set to happen. That third set ended at 15-10 with Hogan and Rice winning that set and moving on to the finals to take on #1 ranked Day and Flint in the finals.

The first men's semifinal was #8 against #10. The first set ended 21-15 with Lee and Rosenthal taking that set. The second set ended at 21-14 with Doherty and Evans taking that set to cause a third set. The third set ended at 16-14 with Doherty and Evans taking that set and advancing to the finals.

The second men's semifinal was #3 against #5. The first set ended at 21-15 with Patterson and Budinger taking that set. The second set ended at 21-19 with Ratledge and Rodriguez taking that set and causing a third set to happen. The third set ended at 15-7 with Patterson and Budinger taking that set and advancing to the finals to take on Doherty and Evans.

The women's finals had #1 against #21. The first set ended at 21-14 with Day and Flint taking that set. The second set ended at 21-14 with Day and Flint taking that set as well and becoming the 2019 AVP Hermosa Beach Open champions after being unable to win the Seattle stop in back to back years.

Emily (left) and Betsi (right) smile big wit their trophies for winning the 2019 AVP Hermosa Beach Open and yes the trophies are skateboards. Don't forget to follow them on Instagram: @betsiflint and @emday6

The men's final had #3 against #10. The first set ended at 25-23 with Patterson and Budinger taking that set. The second set ended at 21-19 with Evans and Doherty taking that set and causing a third set to happen. The third set ended at 15-7 with Budinger and Patterson taking that set and winning the 2019 AVP Hermosa Beach Open on the men's side.

Casey (left) and Chase (right) smile big with their 'medals' for winning the 2019 AVP Hermosa Beach Open. Don't forget to follow them on Instagram: @caseypatt and @budinger10

That concludes the 2019 AVP Hermosa Beach Open semifinals and finals blog. Stay tuned when I cover the 2019 AVP Manhattan Beach Open next and don't forget to mark your calendar for the 2019 AVP Hawaii Open from September 20-22, 2019. Until next time, Miller out.

~J. Miller

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