Monday, January 7, 2019

P1440: Huntington Beach Open Young Guns

Dear Readers~

On November 30, 2018- December 2, 2018 P1440 had their last stop of the 2018 season at Huntington Beach, California for the Huntington Beach Open. The event had 2 types of competitions. One type was called Young Guns and goes just like a normal tournament of beach volleyball while the other was called Top Guns and played King of the Court style. This blog will talk about Young Guns. The two female teams I chose was Katie Spieler with Allie Wheeler and Sheila Shaw with Kenzie Ponnet. The two male teams i chose were Troy Field with Kyle Friend and Chase Frishman with Piotr Marcimiak.

Shaw and Ponnet played 2 games on Friday and 1 game on Saturday. Their Friday games were at 10 AM and 2 PM. The 10 AM game was on court 8 against Schuh and Bush. Shaw and Ponnet won that game 2 sets 1. Their game at 2 PM was on court 7 against Galindo and Galindo. Shaw and Ponnet won that game 2 sets to none. On Saturday the pair played a game at 11 AM on court 6 against Karelov and Deturk. Shaw and Ponnet lost both sets and were out of the tournament.

Wheeler and Spieler had better luck than Shaw and Ponnet. Wheeler and Spieler had 2 games on Friday, one at 9 AM and the other at 12 PM. The 9 AM game was on court 7 against Zeppia and Blocksom. Wheeler and Spieler won both sets. The 12 PM game was on court 7 against Gallay and Preyra. Wheeler and Spieler won that game 2 sets to 1. Wheeler and Spieler had 2 games on Saturday. The first game was at 12 PM and the other game was at 3 PM. The game at 12 was on court 3 against Strange and Neweberry. Wheeler and Spieler won 2 sets to 1. Later on Saturday they had their second game at 3 PM on court 3 against Quiggle and Wopat. Wheeler and Spieler came out victorious winning 2 sets to 1 and moving on to the semifinals Sunday morning.

Both men's teams each had 2 games on Friday and 1 game on Saturday. Field and Friend played at 12 and 3:50 PM on Friday and 10 AM on Saturday. Their 12 PM game on Friday was on court 4 against Austin and Johnson. Field and Friend won both sets. Their 3:50 PM game on court 3 against Walkenhorst and Fliho wasn't as easy. Field and Friend lost both sets. On Saturday they played Frishmen and Marciniak. Field and Friend lost the third set and ended their time in the tournament.

Frishman and Marcimiak played their 2 Friday games at 11 AM and 3 PM, both on court 3. Their 11 AM game against Mallin and Doubravsky ended with Frishman and Marcimiak winning both sets. their 3 PM game against Burrik and Webber wasn't the same. Frishman and Marcimiak lost the third set. Their next game was on Saturday against Field and Friend, since that's posted above I won't put it in again. after Frishman and Marcimiak won, they played at 2 PM on court 6 on Saturday against Ontlveros and Rubio. Frishman and Marcimiak lost in the third set and ended their time at the tournament. This means that Wheeler and Spieler was the only team I covered that made it to the semifinals.

In the women's semifinals, Wheeler and Spieler played on court 6 at 10 AM against Turner and Fonoimoana. Wheeler and Spieler came out victorious by winning 2 sets to 1 and making it to the finals. They played aginst Hogan and Matic on stadium court at 12 PM for the finals. That game was Wheeler and Spieler's only loss of the tournament after losing both sets and getting 2nd place.

Stay tuned for my next blog when I cover the top guns and athletes like Kerri Walsh Jennings, Kelly Claes, Rebecca Cavalcanti, Casey Jennings, Taylor Crabb, and Ricardo Santos. Until next time, Miller out

~J. Miller

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