Monday, November 19, 2018

P1440 Las Vegas: Day 3 (finals)

Der Readers~

Sorry it's been so long. I've been having homework lately. Now I can do Day 3 of the 2018 FIVB Las Vegas Open presented by P1440. Day 3 was on Sunday October 21, 2018. The teams in the semifinals were Bansley with Wilkerson against Solberg with Antonelli, Pavan with Humana-Paredes against Solberg with Antonelli. The men's semfiinals were Fijalek with Bryl against Krasilinikov with Stoyanovskiy and Mol with Sorum against Trevor Crabb and Tri Borne.

The first women's semifinals was Bansley with Wilkerson against Solberg with Antonelli ended with Bansley and Wilkerson winning 21-18. The second set went to Antonelli and Solberg, winning 24-22, so a third set happened. that set ended 15-11 in favor of Wilkerson and Bansley. Wilkerson and Bansley moved on to the finals.

The second women's semifinals were Antonelli and Solberg against Pavan and Humana-Paredes. That game ended with Pavan and Humana-Paredes winning both sets 21-14 and 21-19. This means that the women's finals were all from Team Canada.

The first men's semifinals was Fijalek with Bryl against Krasilinikov with Stoyanovskiy. The first set ended 21-13 in favor of Fijalek and Bryl. Krasilinikov and Styanovskiy got their revenge by winning the second set 21-14, causing a third set. The third set ended 15-11 in favor of Fijalek and Bryl, winning 2 of the 3 sets and moving on to the finals.

The second men's semifinals was Tri Bourne and Trevor Crabb, of the AVP, against Mol and Sorum. The game ended in 2 sets with set 1 ending 21-17 and set 2 ended 21-16 with Mol and Sorum winning both sets and moving on to the finals against Fijalek and Bryl.

The women's finals took 3 sets. Set 1 ended 21-17 in favor of Bansley and Wilkerson. Pavan and Humana-Paredes won the second set 21-17 and causing a third set. The third set ended 15-9 in favor of Bansley and Wilkerson. That win made Bansley and Wilkerson FIVB/P1440 Las Vegas winners.

The men's finals were Mol and Sorum against Fijalek and Bryl. The men's final only took 2 sets. Set 1 ended 21-13 and set 2 ended 21-17. Both went in favor of Mol and Sorum, crowning the pair as the winners of the FIVB/P1440 Las Vegas Champs.

With this being an FIVB event, points for Olympic qualifying were up for grabs for every athlete. Qualifying has just started and it won't be until June of 2020 that the teams will be chosen for Tokyo in 2020.

That concludes the summary of Day 3 of the 2018 FIVB Las Vegas Open presented by P1440 from October 18-21, 2018. Stay tuned for November 30, 2018 when P1440 returns with their next event, in Huntington Beach, California. Until my next post, Miller out

~J. Miller

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